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ТЕМА: Продолжи рассказ

Re: Продолжи рассказ 11 года 7 мес. назад #22

The happy end of our adventure was near. We were almost happy, but suddenly the shark came closer to my friend..I was upset because I couldn't help him. The pilot shouted "I can't wait long, hurry up!" I got on the ladder and saw my friend .....
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Re: Продолжи рассказ 11 года 7 мес. назад #23

Бурнашёв Герман Дмитриевич пишет:
I got on the ladder and saw my friend .....
He was so scared that he could not utter a word. :silly:
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Re: Продолжи рассказ 11 года 7 мес. назад #24

He was looking downwards with his eyes widely open. I wanted to know what had happened. But he wouldn't hear me. I decided to return to him and help. I did it. His face was pale. He looked at me and said nothing.
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Re: Продолжи рассказ 11 года 7 мес. назад #25

He was numb with fear. I didn't know what to do. :)
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Re: Продолжи рассказ 11 года 7 мес. назад #26

, The only thing I could do was to push him towards. I shouted to the pilot to come down. It was very difficult for him to do it. I felt we were on the brink of ruin. But we wanted to live. At last the pilot managed to come down.
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Re: Продолжи рассказ 11 года 7 мес. назад #27

The pilot hurried us. He said it was the last chance to help. The weather became stormy. My friend was trembling, his face was white. At last I climbed and the para glider went up. The story had a happy end.
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Re: Продолжи рассказ 11 года 7 мес. назад #28

The boys were happy. :laugh:
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